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% a trial run of the barrel model

% this is a very simple program that generates the diagrams appearing the first part. If you have MATLAB installed on your

% computer and interested in the topic, you can explore the model changing its parameters. You can also change the model

% itself and play with it to test its assumptions, conclusions, and general validity. I will try to answer all the reasonable

% questions. I can only repeat that the algorithm really is extremely simple.



depth = 19; % the depth of the trees

p = 1/3; % a node rho

epoch = 240;

rlimit = 0.5;

perfs = zeros (depth, epoch); % performances

heap = zeros (depth, epoch); % accrues reserves

t = 2 ^ (depth + 1) - 1; % tree size

reserves = zeros (1, t); % reserves per node

n = 2 ^ depth; % leaf row size

rho = makeRho (depth, p); % random binary rho

fuse = rho2Leaf (rho); % fusion leaf

perm = randperm (n); % permutate the links

demand = fuse(perm); % initial demand leave

lap = 15; % check lap to estimate epoch duration

t1 = datetime ('now');

for i = 1 : epoch

if i == lap % display the time estimate

t2 = datetime ('now');

dura = (t2 - t1) * epoch / lap;

disp (dura) % epoch estimate hours:minutes:seconds

% epoch parameters

fprintf ('Epoch \t\t\t\t\t%u\n', epoch)

fprintf ('Depth \t\t\t\t\t%u\n', depth)

fprintf ('Reserve limit \t\t\t%.1f\n', rlimit)


supply = demand; % copy supply from past demand

x = supply; % propagating supply row

perm = randperm (n); % permutated links per cycle

demand = fuse(perm); % next cycle demand

y = demand; % propagating demand row

for d = depth : -1 : 1

m = length (x); % current row length

r = reserves(m:2*m-1); % current row reserves

u = x + r; % total available row supply

ratio = u ./ y; % row supply / row demand

perf = min (ratio); % current level performance

perfs(d,i) = perf; % historic performance

reserve = u - perf * y; % unused supply = reserve

reserve(reserve < 0) = 0; % beautify

% calculate heap by cutoff row reserve

[val,ind] = sort (reserve); % large to trim

cum(2:m) = cumsum (val(1:end-1)); % large to trim

q = m : -1 : 1; % in reverse order

w = cum(1:m) + val .* q; % accumulated reserve

k = find (w > rlimit, 1, 'first'); % cutoff ref

if ~isempty (k) % limit the reserve

t = (rlimit - cum(k)) / q(k);

val(k:end) = t; % trim surplus reserve

reserve = val(ind); % adjusted reserve



reserves(m:2*m-1) = reserve; % adjusted reserves

heap(d,i) = sum (reserve); % historic reserve

x = upRow (x); % next supply level

y = upRow (y); % next demand level



reserve = zeros (depth, 1); % final reserves per level

for d = 1 : depth

s = 2 ^ d;

reserve(d) = sum (reserves(s:2*s-1));


% mean performance, reserve per level

% in the second half of the epoch

meanPerf = mean (perfs(:,round(end/2):end), 2);

meanPerf(meanPerf > 1) = 1;

meanHeap = mean (heap(:,round(end/2):end), 2);

formatSpec = '\t%2u)\t%6.3f\t\t%6.2f\n';

fprintf ('\nPerformance, Reserves:\n')

for i = 1 : depth

fprintf (formatSpec, i, meanPerf(i), meanHeap(i))


figure (1)

bar (meanPerf)

figure (2)

bar (meanHeap)

function rho = makeRho (depth, ratio)

% create and randomly assign nodes' rho given depth, ratio

n = 2 ^ depth - 1; % node count

rho = randi (2, 1, n); % uniform 1 and 2

rho(rho==1) = ratio;

rho(rho==2) = 1 - ratio;

function leaf = rho2Leaf (rho)

% calculate the leaf row from the nodes' rho

m = length (rho) + 1; % leaf length

leaf = zeros (1, m);

leaf(1) = 1;

s = 1; % start

e = 1; % end

while s < m

rho(s:e) = rho(s:e) .* leaf(1:s); % left leaves

leaf(2:2:2*s) = leaf(1:s) - rho(s:e);

leaf(1:2:2*s) = rho(s:e);

s = e + 1; % new start

e = s + e; % new end


function up = upRow (row)

% calculate the nodes one level up

m = length (row);

assert (m > 1)

up = row(1:2:m); % odd nodes

up = up + row(2:2:m); % even nodes



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